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Final Week!

This was the final week our team was given to work on the game. While progress was a little stale in some areas, all the character assets were completely finished in time! The trailer and other presentation pieces are being worked on here. Music was also provided by someone by "AYEL".

how all the idiots look together.png

(losing sprites all put together)

unknown (1).png

(Shh, trailer teaser) :D

Cindy Vu

Final Assets

Drew out the last set of sprites for the "peeking" animation and win/lose sprites for all the characters in the game. These will be swapped depending on who won/lost. Worked on the trailer, Gathertown room and presentation site. Main artist of the game and absolutely deleted her wrist for it.

Ramisha Wasim

Website, Trailer, Game Pitch, Design Document

The editor of all these items!! From time to time, Cindy made a couple of edits to support and refine the wording made. Between the two, many suggestions and edits were done. Then the items were submitted.

Alexandro Di Nunzio

Shaders and Particle Systems

Reworked the ice shader again, further tweaks to particle systems. Confetti has been improved, and there is now an additional particle system that goes off when portals are activated.

Many more edits have been made and added, however he also aided Kenny and Juan in debugging a lot of the game's issues. Subbed in as a "secondary" programmer per se, mostly focusing on the simpler and minute details that the others did not need to worry over.

Kenny Su


Made numerous changes and fixes to the Teleporter  block. Teleporters when connected will change portal colours to indicate that it's connected and which portal it's connected to. There will be a limit of 5 pairs of Teleporters per Level and placing more will delete the new Teleporter. It also no longer has a platform, it is now just a portal. Deleting a teleporter will also delete the connected teleporter if any.

Created the double-sided spring block where there are bumpers on the left and right side of the block that bounces players off.

Reworked how blocks in builder mode interact with other blocks. Highlighted blocks are more visible and less intrusive with other blocks.

Created a Audio system in which all sound will be called from. This system creates and reuses a sound source as needed by objects.

Added SFX to the game and their respective objects and triggers.

Juan Callejas

Coding and UI

Our main programmer and probably our saviour as well. A lot of the UI design comes from this man and his expertise in coding with Unity, as he's the main reason for why the game looks polished. Without him, the game would probably still look like a prototype still in its earliest development stages.

Killed the most bugs and had the weirdest ideas.

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