At this point in time, it was clear that the way we had been going about this project was not the most efficient. Handed the possibility to just end the project, we decided not to give up on it. New roles and tweaks were made to the concept of the game, with more progress made.

Cindy Vu
Character Animations
Colouring of all animations are done this week! Saw blade and dropper block also drawn this week.
Ramisha Wasim
Picked out sounds and background music for the game and brainstormed ideas for the background for new concept (sketchy aesthetic as opposed to tower).

Alexandro Di Nunzio
Block Shaders
Reworked shaders and particle systems to fit the new concept of the game (cartoon/sketchy) and compressed audio files so that they are usable in Unity.
Kenny Su
Co-developed with Juan the new mechanics of a new game Juan brainstormed (i.e. for enabling features as required for the gameplay loop.)
Began planning the basic layout of UI and how it'll function with individual UI elements and also with the main game script, such as a Pause menu.
Juan Callejas
Progamming and Blocks
Made block dropper for the game, worked on programming with Kenny, helped with the code for character controller and multiplayer and other base code of the game.
Also helped come up with a new concept for the game, while still using the elements we've already completed; players will now take turns building up levels in a tower against the clock. Once every level in the tower has been built, the race phase begins, and players much race to the top of each floor. Each level is completed once a single players makes it to the top, adding to their score, and then all players are teleported to the start of the next floor. If a player builds an impossible level and no one is able to beat it within the time limit, the player that built that level gets a score penalty and everyone moves onto the next level.