Getting There!
Working on adding final touches and fixing bugs in our work so that it flows smoothly from each scene so the game seems complete. Only a bit more to go!

Cindy Vu
Nearly There
Continued to work on peeking animations for 2 more characters, and title sprites for other 2 characters. Character select screen is visually finalized this week.
Ramisha Wasim
Made button textures and animations. Provided a good amount of UI elements as well, aiding Cindy in determining the style of specific blocks, etc. Modifications/updates to older assets were made. Created the background texture and pillar texture

Alexandro Di Nunzio
Particle System
Programmed various particle systems so that they behave as expected in-game. Particle systems are activated when players die under various circumstances, and also play when players jump, turn, and land. Worked with both Juan and Kenny to ensure that our code works in unison.
Kenny Su
Created the Teleporter block. Implemented so that whenever there is more than two teleporters, the latest teleporter will search for an unconnected teleporter to be its pair. When players touch the portal they'll be teleported to the connected teleporter at the other end or back.

Juan Callejas
Coding and UI
Fixing bugs and making the buttons/menus/ pause menus and setting screens better and easier to navigate. A lot of coding refinements were made in order to optimize the coding.