Extending It Further
This week is mostly just continuing from what we've been working on last week with the concepts/basics, now putting these further into fruition. For others, it's just a continuation of developing assets and more mechanics. Everyone has been working independently in order to get more work done in total.

Cindy Vu
Mini Concept Arts
Currently has been drawing simple concept drawings and the like in order to finalize the style that the characters should have. Since the game is wide screen, nothing with too much detail is required. Inspired by her game "The Spaceman Or The Strategist".
Ramisha Wasim
Terrain Modelling
Developed some concept arts for the background and currently trying to model it in Unity. Two types of terrains were considered and worked on (grass and ice).

Alexandro Di Nunzio
Special Effects
Worked on a snow particle system to make scenery more lively.
Kenny Su
Prototype (Builder Phase)
When placing blocks, they snap to grid placement system when in the builder phase. The blocks will change material when you try to place them in specified boundaries to indicate that it is not in a valid placement area.
Juan Callejas
Coding Revision
Spent the entire week working to revise the coding of
the player movement script for the others to understand. It's a hard process when you're used to being on solo.